art installation

Gold Standard x Clean slate

Thank you for joining Gold Standard Studios photo installation at Clean Slate Swapmeet this past Sunday.

You can find your photo in this gallery! When sharing, please tag us at @goldstandardstudios and @cleanslateswapmeet!

Stay tuned for behind the scenes of Gold Standard Studios coming together, our official opening date, and more pop ups coming near you! If you want to keep in touch, feel free to follow along at @goldstandardstudios on Instagram!

If you want to know a little more about the guys behind Gold Standard, check out Ian Gutierrez’s work (@fides_rex) and Eiman Othman’s work (@hollywoodeiman). We’re excited to bring you a space where we combine both our passions of photography and sound engineering! You can hear more about how we got here by tuning in to the recent podcasts we were on - The Coffee & Convos Podcast by Alyssa Mopia and One Degree of Separation with Veejzilla.